Within the contact form one is to provide their full name and date of birth as it appears on their passport as well as the type of permit and case number.
Providing above-mentioned personal data is to be processed by Małopolska’s Voivode on the basis of Article 23, section 1, point 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2016, position 922) and is required to authorize an individual and ease the process of case completion. The data controller is the Małopolska’s Voivode based in: Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Krakowie, ul. Basztowa 22, 31-156 Kraków. Personal data is processed only within the contact form application in order to ease the process of informing parties of proceedings about the case status and is not forwarded to other entities. After correct and accurate completion of the first section of the contact form one is to continue and select an appointment date and time from the calendar.
Considering our focus on providing the highest quality of service possible as well as respect to other clients of the office, we kindly ask you for punctual arrival. Please take into account any potential communication issues.
Late arrivals caused by negligence will result in appointment cancellation and the need to schedule another visit for residence card collection.
Residence card collection reservations concern only individuals whose data was used to schedule the appointment (the controller and office employees have access to data based on which appointments are scheduled). CAUTION! In the case of families it’s required to complete a form for each member of the family separately.
Switching appointments with another individual or giving up an appointment in favor of another individual is prohibited. Any attempts of giving up an appointment for monetary gain and efforts indicative of an illegal nature will be forwarded to law enforcement authorities.
Commencement of service may be subject to slight variation depending on the time of conclusion of the previous client’s appointment.
The office reserves the right to cancel reservations in the case of scheduling an appointment despite not having received a confirmation regarding the possibility of residence card collection.
The fee for a residence card for applications submitted from July 29, 2022 is PLN 100. (say: one hundred zloty) and can be made online, at a bank, or at a post office to the following bank account::
Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki
NBP Oddział Okręgowy w Krakowie
08 1010 1270 0051 2222 3100 0000
Residence card reduced fee of 50 zł applies to foreigners:
Foreigners are to collect residence cards in person along with a valid ID (passport) after exhibiting proof of above-mentioned payment.
In the case of residence cards issued for foreigners under the age of 13, the card is to be collected by their legal guardian.